Tao Is One of Information Security's Top Ten Books

The July 2006 issue of Information Security magazine features my first book The Tao of Network Security Monitoring as one of their Top Ten Books. That's pretty cool. I see some overlap with my Top Ten Books, published last year.


Anonymous said…
"The network security monitoring philosophy is both obvious and completely revolutionary." yup!
John Ward said…
Wow thats pretty friggin awesome.
JimmytheGeek said…
I was (probably still am) naive when I read the book; it seems to me the essence of NSM is tying together the most useful streams of data. Who doesn't want correlation? Well, turns out most IDS/IPS vendors. But any points I unfairly deducted for obviousness were swamped by the points awarded for the picking the right types of information for that correlation. I did a lot of this stuff manually without seeing that there was a pattern to what I was doing - I always wanted to know who was involved in an event, to see the packet, and often wanted to see the packet in context. This was really hard before sguil.

I'm not aware of anything like the compelling, comprehensive, disciplined approach Tao covers. Awesome freakin' book.
Anonymous said…
That is weird! :-) The book is truly awesome, but some few folks actually follow its advice that I am actually shocked that it got to top10.
Joel Esler said…
It's cheating.. Half the article is written by David Bianco!

(congrats ;)

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