General Chilton on the Cyber Fight

A friend of mine defending .mil pointed me towards this article by Wyatt Cash: Cyber chief argues for new approaches . The "cyber chief" in question is Air Force General Kevin Chilton , a 1976 USAFA graduate and the first astronaut to achieve four stars. I'd like to share several excerpts: The military’s commander of U.S. Strategic Command in charge of cyberspace, Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton, warned that the underlying challenges and costs of operating in cyberspace often go unrecognized . And he proposed several measures to improve the security of the military’s non-classified networks. “The hardest thing we’re challenged to do in cyberspace,” said Chilton, isn’t defending against cyberattacks. It is “ operating the net under attack ...” “People talk about defending or exploiting cyberspace, but we don’t talk much about operating it if it’s under attack,” Chilton said. “It’s not easy work. And it’s not work to be taken on by amateurs .” Chilton argued that many of th...