Redesigned TaoSecurity Web Site

I was so motivated by my TaoSecurity Blog redesign that I decided to revamp too. I used a template from Open Source Web Design created by Andreas Viklund. Now that the site is up I will spend some time fixing the problems found by the validator. When I have some free time I will work on next. Remember, I am a security guy -- not a Webmaster.


Anonymous said…
I like it.
Anonymous said…
I like it too, especially the is very much improved!
Anonymous said…
I like the new design, nice job. But, I miss the wide open space, it was easier to read.
Anonymous said…
WOW, Good Job!
Anonymous said…
The new design of is very elegant!
Anonymous said…
Much, MUCH improved. Great job Richard. Like you I am not a web designer. Sites like OSWD and tools like Drupal are really making a difference on how small businesses and individuals can communicate. Your new site is indistinguishable from something put together by a professional web design firm.
John Ward said…
Much better. If you can't get a graphics artist, get the next best thing, a template created by a graphics artist. Following 4 basic principles of GA (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity) gives it a much cleaner and professional look.
Anonymous said…
Nice work Richard.
Anonymous said…
Nice design. Very clean and modern. However i have to agree with the other "Anonymous" a few posts up and say I miss the wide design the old one had. Most of your useful and informative articles were much easier to read in that format. however looks great.
Tell you what -- if someone can find a template that better accommodates a wide design, I'll check it out. I would probably like it too.
Anonymous said…
On teh

You misspelled 'boring' for
Fixed -- thanks!

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