ISSA NoVA Meeting Thursday

This Thursday is the next ISSA NoVA meeting. It will be held at the Microsoft Technology Center in Reston, VA. The social hour starts at 1730 and the meeting starts at 1830. A government civilian is the speaker. :) RSVP by noon today.


shadowbq said…
You going to be there? I havent been to any ISSA-NOVA mettings before so I might come visit and talk.
Anonymous said…

What happens at these meetings? I was discouraged from going to the one in my area (Silicon Valley) because it was just a big meeting of vendors pushing products, but I never verfied this.
Hi Joe,

The NoVA meetings, at least, are almost anti-vendor. One of the guys there told me they have been continuously rejecting a sponsor who wanted to talk abou t his product!

I think meeting quality varies widely though. NoVA is heavily federal due to the DC influence.

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