Review of Building an Internet Server With FreeBSD 6 Posted just posted my 200th technical book review. That's roughly 200 books since May 2000.

I did review one book in August 1999, and then nothing until May 2000. Since then I have reviewed fairly regularly -- 17 in 2000, 42 in 2001, 24 in 2002, 33 in 2003, 33 in 2004, 26 in 2005, 23 so far in 2006.

If you wonder why my "Reviews Written" count is 208, I commented on 8 items that were not technical books.

For my 200th title I read and reviewed a self-published book by Bryan Hong called Building an Internet Server With FreeBSD 6. I gave this book four stars; from the review:

I've been using FreeBSD in production environments since early 2000. I've also written articles on FreeBSD administration for magazines like Sys Admin. One of my favorite aspects of FreeBSD is its ports tree, which currently offers over 15,000 applications. Although the ports tree greatly simplifies installing software on FreeBSD, there's more to most programs than just installation. Bryan Hong's "Building an Internet Server With FreeBSD 6" (BAISWF6) helps readers take those few crucial steps past the ports tree, into the world of functional, deployed services. If you need a quick guide for a variety of popular open source software on FreeBSD, BAISWF6 is for you.

As of this blog post I am ranked 392 and have 3408 helpful votes, for an average of about 16 helpful votes per review. If you like my reviews, please mark them helpful. It's the only feedback I receive, and Amazon certainly doesn't pay me! I appreciate it.

Thanks also to Bryan Hong for sending me a review copy of his book. Right now his Sales Rank is 191,531 and his Lulu Sales Rank is 869. Let's see if we can sell more copies of Bryan's book!


Anonymous said…
We (readers) do appreciate your insightful reviews. You always
pinpoint the glaring 'inconsistencies' in books. I was really amazed by your review of a book (I don't recall the title ,but the one that amazon refused to publish your review about because of 1 star rating) - How on Earth can such misleading books ever appear on the market ? Moreover ,this particular author had other books published!! While I not alaways agree with your 5 -4 star ratings (personal opinions may differ), I can ever be sure - if thare're rubbish in the book you'll spot it and save us time/money .
Yuri, Israel.

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