I Just Got the Hookup

What do you get when you combine LURHQ and Joe Stewart on video? It's called LURHQ's Security Hookup, a new series of short security videos. I just watched the first episode and I really enjoyed it.

I'm afraid Joe isn't a ninja, but he knows what he's talking about.

Joe discussed mitigating Web threats using Squid. Three other videos are already posted, and I'm downloading those now.


Unknown said…
This looks like an excellent video series. It is not trying to walk someone through screens using audio-only, and is not dumbed down that I don't find it useful. Definitely adding this to my very short list of useful video casts.

I've really been impressed and enjoying LURHQ lately, especially their tools and analyses and I see them being increasingly cited.

My only complaint? I wish LURHQ was pronounced like "lurk" instead or "lur-ick." :)

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