Review of Protect Your Windows Network Posted
I received a copy of Protect Your Windows Network (PYWN) almost one year ago, and I immediately put it aside. I figured it was another "security configuration guide," with lots of descriptions of settings and other tweaks that makes for boring reading. Recently I decided to give PYWN another look, and I am exceedingly glad I did. PYWN is one of the best security books I have ever read, and that includes nearly 200 titles over the last six years. Incredibly, even non-Windows users will find plenty of sound advice for their enterprise. Although the book is highly opinionated (and at times perhaps not on my side of the issues) I strongly recommend reading PYWN.
Have you read Testing Network Security by Brian Hernacki and Jeremy Bennett from Symantec Press?
I really enjoyed the Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense. I was hoping that this book was going to be really good since it is from Symantec too but I haven't heard anything about it. I wonder if it got canceled since the web page above says due Spring 2005. If you know anything about it please let me know. Thanks.
I think this book gonna be in my to-read list since I have to secure Windows Network too. Anyway nice recommendation :]
I was looking forward to Brian's book too. I'm not sure this book made it past the planning stage. I'd like to hear that I'm wrong, though!
I got word from someone at AW Professional that it is now schedule for January 2007. Two year delay doesn't sound too hopeful to me.