Review of Nessus, Snort, and Ethereal Power Tools Posted
I've read and reviewed the three previous books in Jay Beale's Open Source Security Series -- Snort 2.1, Nessus Network Auditing, and Ethereal Packet Sniffing. I liked all three of those books, and I'm glad to say that this fourth book -- Nessus, Snort, and Ethereal Power Tools (NSAEPT), is a worthy continuation of Jay's series. NSAEPT is a unique resource for anyone who wants to extend Nessus, Snort, and Ethereal. The book could save programmers hours of work, and it should be the first step for those looking to contribute to the development of all three projects.
Update: Andrew Williams from Syngress provided this feedback concerning the problems with FI and FL characters being mangled. Those who register can download a PDF of the book.
This PDF fixes the code problems you referenced. Readers can register and download the completed, fixed PDF from our Web site at
I'm hoping as many readers as possible take advantage of this. It was incredibly frustrating for us to have this problem introduced during pre-press.