Last Thursday DeMarc announced its acquisition of the Sentaurus IDS from Silicon Defense. In June I listed various companies selling Snort-based IDS appliances. It looks like Silicon Defense's support for its Windows version of Snort continues at This appears to be different from the binaries available at (I didn't check the WinSnort version because downloads there require registration.) DeMarc was famous for its GUI for Snort alerts, which no longer appears as a Snort add-on. However, it's now called PureSecure Personal and is free for "home use." Downloading it requires registration.
Zeek in Action Videos
This is a quick note to point blog readers to my Zeek in Action YouTube video series for the Zeek network security monitoring project . Each video addresses a topic that I think might be of interest to people trying to understand their network using Zeek and adjacent tools and approaches, like Suricata, Wireshark, and so on. I am especially pleased with Video 6 on monitoring wireless networks . It took me several weeks to research material for this video. I had to buy new hardware and experiment with a Linux distro that I had not used before -- Parrot . Please like and subscribe, and let me know if there is a topic you think might make a good video.