Bejtlich Returns for SANS CDI East 2006

It's been three years since I spoke at at SANS conference; I last presented at SANS NIAL in 2003. After some friendly discussions with SANS staff at the recent SANS Log Management Summit, we've arranged for me to present a special event for SANS Cyber Defense Initiative East -- a two evening course called Enterprise Network Instrumentation (ENI).

I developed ENI for a private client, but no public class has ever seen the material. I will be presenting ENI for two evenings, 14 and 15 December, 2006, from 6 to 9 pm at the Hilton Washington & Towers in Washington, DC.

ENI is all about solving the difficult problems associated with gaining access to network traffic. It seems every book (with a few exceptions) assumes it's easy to deploy sensors to observe packets. In reality, achieving visibility in modern networks can be extremely difficult. ENI will share recommendations and concrete solutions for the most taxing enterprise network instrumentation issues seen today.

You can register for ENI immediately. The fees look reasonable -- especially if you're already attending a day track. Please let me know if you have any questions.


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