Tao of NSM Errata and Possible Book Plans

Recently an astute reader, Greg Back, submitted three corrections for typos to my first book, The Tao of Network Security Monitoring. I just uploaded these to the errata page and will submit them to the publisher now. Thanks to Greg for so closely reading the text and catching the errors! They involved miscounting bytes in two packets, and saying bytes where I should have said bits elsewhere.

On a related note, I'm considering reviewing my material from the TCP/IP Weapons School (versions 1, 2, and 3) and writing a book based on the best aspects of each class. I wouldn't expect the book to arrive any earlier than late 2012, when I expect to retire the third version of TWS, currently taught in live classes. Over the last few years many of you have asked what I plan to do with the older TWS material, and I think this might be the best way to put it to good use. As I figure out what to do I will keep you informed here.


Scott Hazel / @phat32 said…
I attended TWS 3.0 at Blackhat this year. It's a great class and I'd be interested in seeing what the 1.0 and 2.0 course material covered.
Joe said…
I think the book is a great idea. I still refer to the first one on occasion and I lend it out to others who are unfamiliar with NSM concepts. I'll pre-order a copy now if I could. Hopefully there will be an ebook/ePub/kindle/PDF version since I'm trying to buy less paper these days.
Ernest said…
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Anonymous said…
I attended TWS 3.0 at Usenix Security 2011 in San Francisco. The course material is great, you will have hands-on labs on both defense and offense sides. I really enjoy the class discussions. I wish other instructors will take this approach for these type of training. I like the book idea as well. In addition to the book, how about a subscription service that download a new set of labs + a video/mp3 that you can talk about the latest security trends or topics.
Anonymous said…
I would like you to include the material (updated hopefully) from your Security Operations class...

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