Bejtlich Keynote at Hawaiian Telcom Conference

Thanks to Hawaiian Telcom I will be speaking at their 2011 Security Conference in Honolulu on 7 September 2011.

My topic is "Putting the A, P, and T into the Advanced Persistent Threat:"

Advanced Persistent Threat, or APT, is a controversial term. Just what qualifies as the APT? Who invented this term? Is it a marketing vehicle or is there a method to its use? In this keynote, Mandiant CSO Richard Bejtlich will explain the history of the APT, and what makes it Advanced, Persistent, and a Threat. He will discuss the concepts of "fighting through" an intrusion and "operating in a contested network," approaches to dealing with the APT that work in the real world.

My colleague and friend Kris Harms will also attend, presenting "Network Security FTW."

We hope to see you there! And no, Jeremiah Grossman, we will not be joining you to fight MMA-style. Well, maybe Harms will.


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