Impressions: The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Ed

What better way to start my new book impressions technique than The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Ed (TIDP2E) by Chris Eagle. I didn't read the entire book because I am not a reverse engineer, nor am I an IDA Pro user. However, I find the field, the tools, and the people who do reverse engineering to be interesting.

My overall impression is that TIDP2E is an excellent book. Chris Eagle appears to have written an incredibly detailed and current text on IDA Pro. I noticed he cited material from RECon 2011, which happened earlier this year!

Besides teaching how to use IDA Pro, TIDP2E appears to teach programming and operating system concepts. The book compares various ways to disassemble code (primarily linear sweep vs recursive descent) as well as complementary tools. I like the regular use of footnotes and external references, and the production quality was very high.

Take a look at TIDB2E if you need a modern reference to this powerful tool suite.


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