Impressions: Android Forensics

My final book in this batch is Android Forensics by Andrew Hoog. Due to the nature of Android and the author's experience with it, this book has a lot of great content. (In contrast, on page xiii, the author thanks iPhone and iOS Forensics co-author Katie Strzempka "for generally taking care of that other book." Hmm, maybe I should have known that before trying to assess that "other book?")

My only real concern with this book is that it might lack the focus required by a normal investigator. I'm sure many investigators simply want to know where to find key data (email, Web history, etc.) and then retrieve and analyze it in a forensically sound manner. It's the "so what" question that hangs over many forensics books. I would have liked a case study focusing on that sort of material to show how an investigator would make sense of the data and structures unearthed by the author throughout the book.


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