Why Blog?

- Blogging organizes thoughts. Recently I nodded in agreement when I heard a prolific author explain why he writes. He said the primary purpose for writing his latest book was to organize his thoughts on a certain topic. Writing an entire book is too much for most of us, but consolidating your ideas into a coherent statement is usually sufficient.
- Blogging captures and shares thoughts. Once your thoughts are recorded in electronic form, you can refer to them and point others to them. If I am asked for an opinion, I can often point to a previous blog post. If the question is interesting enough, I might write a new post. That satisfies this reason and the previous one.
- Blogging facilitates public self-expression. This is a positive aspect of the modern Web, if approached responsibly. Many social networking sites contain information people would not want to preserve for all time, but a carefully nutured blog can establish a positive presence on the Web. If you blog on certain topics that interest me, I am going to recognize you if you contact me.
- Blogging establishes communities. The vast majority of the blogs I read are professionally-oriented (i.e., digital security). I follow blogs of people handling the same sorts of problems I do. I often meet other bloggers at conferences and can easily speak with them, because I've followed their thoughts for months or years. Book authors share a similar trait, although books are a much less fluid medium.
- Blogging can contribute original knowledge faster than any other medium. Blogging is just about the easiest way to contribute knowledge to the global community that I can imagine. It costs nothing, requires only literacy, is easily searchable, and can encourage feedback when comments are supported.
Why do you blog? And if you don't, why not?
Actually I started my site/blog as a way to get my name out there, which already has proven far more effective than I could have predicted. I like to think it provides a valuable complement to a traditional resume for potential employers (this may not be true, but I like to think it).
Y do I blog? My main reason is to verbalize (organize) my thoughts!
I also think: "Blogging is like home cooked meals, while commercial sites are like restaurants."
Blogging allows one to build up in intelligence out of information.
I don't like to be dry, so self-expression is another factor, although for me, not a reason to blog, per se.
Of course, there is always the hope that someone will come along and add comments, suggest something, add their own thoughts and perspectives, etc.
I would flesh out the organization part with what keydet said: It also helps give me a place for notes for future reference. A bookmark here, a tool there, script snippets and how-tos. I find myself regularly referencing my own blog while at work. "Now, what was that tool and how did it work again?"
I tend to work 10-11 hrs with at least 1+hr commute. Leaves little time at home to blog.
How do you address that concern, and do you blog "during work hours"?
I feel like trying to create a place for people to share information is responsible in a world that seems to want to make information private and secret
The second reason was to get my name out in the field. This has worked out great, as it lead me to several presentations for conferences, and a book deal.
The third reason is for networking. I get a kick out of the people I meet through my blog, and the stories they tell. I've gotten good information, feedback on my articles, and great opportunities from just writing my blog.
There has been some negative sides to it as well. I have to be careful as to what I post, some of the stuff I do is key to projects, so I try not to post "trade secrets". I have also had to scale back on personal opinions and political stances. Despite that, blogging has been a positive experience for me.
I was really just looking for an outlet to make sure people didn't repeat mistakes that I could help them avoid and I didn't think I was talented enough to write a book.
Seemingly, my blog is helping quite a few organizations than the 2-3 I expected it to help. :)
Turns out to be a pretty fun activity (when I dedicate the time).
I probably spend more time twittering than blogging these days, but will get back into it as new ideas hit me.
I like to blog for one of the same reason given above, for information.
One can get and collect loads of information about any damn particular topic.
I like to share things n also love to know what people think about so and so topic, thats y i started blogging.