Wanted: Incident Handler with Reverse Engineering/Malware Analysis Skills

I am looking for an incident handler with reverse engineering and malware analysis skills to join a new security organization we are building within General Electric. We are hiring several people, so the generic job description appears on our GE Careers site under job number 843369. This is a GE employee position with great benefits and career prospects.

For this specific role, I am looking for the following qualities:

  1. Strong incident handling skills. I want this person to be able to speak authoritatively and confidently when dealing with internal business partners. (This is not a job supporting external customers.) If you are a great RE but are not comfortable doing generic incident handling, please do not apply.

  2. Intermediate-to-advanced reverse engineering and malware analysis skills. I am looking for someone who can tear apart malicious code that we encounter, determine how it works, and what we can do to resist and detect it.

  3. Intermediate coding skills. The ability to meet short-term operational tool development needs to support incident detection and response is a huge plus.

  4. Introductory-to-intermediate assessment skills. This would be a secondary task, but any assessment work you've done would be helpful.

  5. Willing to work in Cincinnati. GE has major NOC/SOC/data center infrastructure in Cincinnati, and I need to locate this subject matter expert in that city. In the event I find the perfect person who cannot work in Cincinnati, we can discuss alternative arrangements.

This is a demanding yet exciting role, and I figured multiple people who read this blog might be interested. If you are a serious candidate and have questions, please email taosecurity at gmail dot com. Thank you.


David said…
That's a bit beyond my scope right now, but definitely sounds like a cool job. I'll be jealous of whomever ends up with it. :)
Anonymous said…
pretty sweet job. i wish i had all of those qualifications. thanks. hopefully soon.

Cyber Monday
Anonymous said…
Guess you'd only accept U.S. citizens... oh well...
Anonymous said…
too bad im from the philippines =(
Anonymous said…
how sad. but i'll try to find person that fits to rhis job.
Jesse said…
I'd apply, but it borders on conflict of interest since I already work for you in some capacity.
Anonymous said…
Where and how would people obtain the skill-set for jobs like this? Very intimidating requirements !!
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why GE wants prior military intelligence experience - see the original GE posting.
Anonymous said…
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control valves said…
I believe construction of such projects requires knowledge of engineering and management principles and business procedures, economics, and human behavior.

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