Wanted: Incident Handler with Mentoring Skills

Previously I posted Wanted: Incident Handler with Reverse Engineering/Malware Analysis Skills . That article noted our GE Careers job posting (843369). We received several great candidates with reverse engineering and malware skills, but none in Cincinnati. Therefore, I am shuffling the positions a bit. The RE/malware person does not need to reside in Cincinnati, but now I need a different incident handler definitely located in Cincinnati. The incident handler in Cincinnati should meet the following requirements. Strong incident handling skills. I want this person to be able to speak authoritatively and confidently when dealing with internal business partners. (This is not a job supporting external customers.) Strong mentoring skills. This candidate will interact daily with our Command Center personnel. The Command Center will be the 24x7 component of our Incident Response Center. This incident handler will need to be a mentor and coach for the Command Center analysts, although...