Extrusion Detection Shipping

Good news -- several of you have reported receiving copies of my new book Extrusion Detection, ordered through regular online vendors. I'm happy to see Amazon.com finally listing the book as "Usually ships within 24 hours." It appears Buy.com has a great deal, with free shipping and a $29.69 price.

If you have any suggested changes, please let me know within the next 10 days. I owe corrections to my publisher for the second printing on 2 December. Thank you!


Anonymous said…

I've thoroughly enjoyed my copy of Extrusion Detection, but I did have one question. You mention in chapter 4 that mod_security can mirror decrypted SSL traffic to a sensor (page 131). I've been unable to find any documentation on how to do this. Could you point me in the right direction on this?
Anonymous said…
On page 68, the majorgeeks URL is hyphenated (major-geeks), which caused half a second of confusion when I tried to access the site.
Anonymous said…
Just got my copy in the mail a few minutes ago!

Pat Zurek
To the first anonymous: I asked your question to Ivan Ristic, mod_security author. Here is his reply:

ModSecurity could do that, although I never thought about it like that. In its current state one could turn full forensic logging on and write a simple Perl script to accept the transaction data and do something with it (like send it to someone over the network). This should work fairly quickly if you create a RAM disk of some kind (for the forensic log) to avoid the expensive disk I/O.

I designed the above mechanism for real-time forensic log aggregation. If SSL traffic mirroring is all you want, you could just modify ModSecurity to send decrypted traffic to the network straight away.

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