FreeBSD 5.4-RC4 Imminent

As I guessed recently, we should see FreeBSD 5.4 RELEASE arrive next week or very soon thereafter. Scott Long posted an update on the release status of 5.4 this morning. He says:

"As you probably noticed, we are a bit behind on the 5.4 release. There was a major stability problem reported several weeks ago in a particlar high load, high profile environment, and we decided that it was in everyones best interest to get it resolved before the release. Well, thanks to the tireless efforts of Doug White and Stephen Uphoff and several others, the bug has been found, fixed, and verified. As soon as it and a few other fixes get merged in, we will start the RC4 build process and hopefully release it for testing late this weekend. After that, unless another show-stopper comes up, we expect to build and release 5.4-RELEASE next weekend."

I hope to test 5.4-RC4 this week, assuming it arrives tomorrow. Thanks FreeBSD release team!


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