Reviews of VoIP Security, The Internet and Its Protocols Posted
I refused to let April end without finishing and reviewing these two books kindly provided by Elsevier Press . The first was a disappointment. just posted my three star review of VoIP Security . From the review : "I decided to read VoIP Security because I thought it would describe VoIP protocols and ways to secure them. The table of contents looked very strong and the preface seemed to meet my goals: "For one to truly understand Internet telephony, the reader must have a solid understanding of digital voice, telephony, networking, Internet protocols, and, most important of all, how all of these technologies are put together." Unfortunately, the book is confusing at times and is not an improvement over earlier VoIP security books. So-called 'reviewers' who write that this book 'goes heavily into explaining the low level mechanics of VoIP' reveal they don't read the books they purport to review." Thankfully, I was very pleased to re...