Congratulations to
Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas for being chosen to host
the headquarters for 24th Air Force, a "cyber numbered Air Force." Lackland is home to the
AF ISR Agency (previously AIA), the
AF Information Operations Center (previously AFIWC), and the
33rd Network Warfare Squadron (previously the 33 IOS, and before that the AFCERT).
It's been
six years since I visited the place, but I think it's a great choice for the 24th.
Richard Bejtlich is teaching new classes in
Las Vegas in 2009.
Regular Las Vegas registration ends 1 July.
I too am excited to see the AF make some decisions about cyberpower. I just hope we'll figure out a way to work with the wider cyber community, and not focus solely on defending AF networks.
You might enjoy an article I wrote for the March issue of the ISSA journal, taking a look at the current state of jurisdiction and defensive roles in cyberspace (it's available on scribd - http://www.scribd.com/doc/13624201/Who-Shall-Defend-Us-Determining-National-Defense-Roles-in-the-Internet-Age-By-Daniel-Ward-and-Michael-R-Grimaila)