Command Information Securing, Hacking and Defending IPv6

One word: wow. IPv6 is more complicated than I expected. I only began to realize this as the two Command Information instructors, Joe Klein and TJ Evans, explained what they know about the protocol and how it is used and abused. When IPv6 becomes even moderately deployed, intruders are going to have a field day. The network teams who have been hiding in the shadows of the Web app folks are going to have to step into the light and learn quickly. You can forget any hype about IPv6 bringing "security" when deployed, at least in the short-to-mid-term. The operational realty of designing, building, and running IPv6 networks properly is going to rock everyone's world.
The instructors were the best aspect of the class. They could answer any IPv6 question anyone asked. The overall content needs to be adjusted, but the instructors were very open to feedback. The 3-day class I attended was only the second session taught thus far, so I expect continuous improvement during the next few sessions.
I haven't seen training on this subject anywhere else, by anyone I consider authoritative on the subject. Joe and TJ are helping shape the nature and use of IPv6 in Federal and other locations, and you will learn a lot in this class.
Richard Bejtlich is teaching new classes in DC and Europe in 2009. Register by 1 Jan and 1 Feb, respectively, for the best rates.
Marcus J. Carey
IPv6 Security, By Scott Hogg, Eric Vyncke.