2nd Issue of BSD Magazine

I recently received a copy of the 2nd issue of BSD Magazine. This edition has a heavy OpenBSD focus, which is nice considering OpenBSD 4.4 was released last week. I have it on good authority that the next issue of the magazine will focus on NetBSD and be available in December. When I can say more I will post details on my blog.


Anonymous said…
I received my copy of 3rd issue (the NetBSD-oriented) about a week ago, but haven't got to it so far. From the quick look at table of contents I see three interesting articles: "GDB and you - part 1", "Packaging Software for OpenBSD - part 1", and "How it works? OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, OpenSuse".

I didn't know this issue is due December. On the other hand, it explains the "Merry Chirstmans" (nice typo :)) in the foreword :)

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