Three New Pre-Reviews

Several publishers were kind enough to send me review copies of three books last week. The first is Securing Storage: A Practical Guide to SAN and NAS Security by Himanshu Dwivedi. I have very little practical experience with SAN and NAS, and less with security for those technologies. I hope this book can get me up to speed on those topics.

The second book is Practical VoIP Security by Thomas Porter. VoIP is being deployed everywhere, and I doubt security is being taken as a serious consideration. In many cases, VoIP traffic is being carried on the same network that transports data. I hope this book will examine these issues and offer real strategies for secure VoIP operation.

The third book is PGP & GPG by Michael Lucas. Besides being a BSD expert, Michael is an amazing author. This is his fourth book. I expect this title to provide an accessible discussion of email encryption.

You can keep tabs on my reading schedule through my reading page. I track new books on my Wish List. Finally, you can expect to see books I read appear in my reviews.


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