Where Should I Be in 2006?

I just updated my events site at TaoSecurity. I keep track of speaking engagements there. For example, I will speak at DoD Cybercrime, SchmooCon 2006, RSA Conference 2006, the 2006 Rocky Mountain Information Security Conference, and the 2006 Computer and Enterprise Investigations Conference.

I will submit tutorial proposals for USENIX 2006 and USENIX Security 2006, and Black Hat USA Training 2006.

What conferences do you attend? Do you think I should try to speak there? Based on your knowledge of my interests (through this blog), what do you think I should discuss? Should I speak to your company or organization? At the moment I have several private Network Security Operations classes on tap for 2006, and my schedule for the first half of the year is already filling.

I appreciate your feedback!


Anonymous said…
I'd love to see you live, but unfortunately, I'm situated "across the pond" :)

You don't happen to have video recordings of any of your appearances?

Thanks for a great blog, and great books.. I'm looking forward to reading Extrusion Detection (which is on my shelf)..

- Goran
Anonymous said…
Check out Infosecurity Europe, www.infosec.co.uk, great speakers and large expo. I guess many from this side of "the pond" would come to see you live :)
Anonymous said…
Well if you're going to be at blackhat, why not stick around for defcon. I've noticed quite an influx of more professionals speaking there. Can't imagine there being much pay involved but maybe you could make that up in book sales. =)
Anonymous said…
Any chance you making your way to Australia, across the other pond?
Anonymous said…
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