TaoSecurity Podcast

I've been considering launching an audio supplement to this blog called the TaoSecurity Podcast. I have more than a dozen "show elements" that I could mix and match every two weeks or so, discussing digital security, incident response, network forensics, FreeBSD, and other subjects carried here.

Would anyone be interested in such a program? If so, please leave a comment. Also, what would you want me to cover, and how often? Thank you.


Anonymous said…
I am sure it would be top rate. Sounds very interesting if you had the time.
Anonymous said…
I would listen.
Anonymous said…
I'd very much be interested. Forensics and incident response would be my topics of choice.
Anonymous said…
I would be very interested. Some sort of community participation would also be great...
Anonymous said…
I would be a regular listner. I prospose to not release the podcast too often as can one fall into the habbit of just publishing something in order to keep the regular publishing date.
Anonymous said…
I would listen too!
Anonymous said…
Add one more faithful listener to the list.
Anonymous said…
I would listen to the first one for sure. We'll see about the others. :)
Anonymous said…
I'd listen! I always thought blogs were just useless babbling, the internet equivalent of reality tv.. You've got some good, meaty content, much appreciated!
Anonymous said…
Richard, how many "I would" listeners would be enough? Anyway I would listen too :-) I like your blog very much.
I guess that's enough! If anyone wants to tell me it's a dumb idea, I'm open to that too. Thanks everyone.
Anonymous said…
I think that's an awesome idea Richard! Make sure to contact Apple to get it added to their podcast technology section.

- Ryan
Anonymous said…
I would love to hear weekly audio casts on subjects such as:

-Incident Response

I would not like to listen to audio/webcasts that are sponsored by vendors (SANS webcasts). I am only interested in learning something, not buying something. However, I welcome hearing reports of successes/failures of various products. Hope that makes sense.
Anonymous said…
This would be great. Probably set a new standard for security blogs. As far as content, I think just discussing the same topics that are covered here would work.

Anonymous said…
I would listen too. Frequenty, depending on quality.
Anonymous said…
Excellent idea. A podcast would be great on such topics as current and emerging security issues and threats. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I also would listen, and I agree with the previous comment about webcasts that are sponsored. I want information, not just another sales pitch.
Anonymous said…
That'd be bit disappointed for me since I'm deaf. Perhaps you or somebody else can write notes and post it on blogger or your web site.
Anonymous said…
Count me in. I'd definitely listen!
Anonymous said…
I would love a security related podcast. I currently listen to several (OTW/OTH from 2600, ITConversations, +others) every day while I drive. One from TaoSecurity I am sure would make the top of my playlist.

My wishes: 30-60 minutes & weekly (just wishes)
Anonymous said…
well i would listen in to see how good they are. If they are as good as the stuff on this site, and as generally vendor-neutral (and honest), i'll stick around...

Anonymous said…
I'd definitely listen as well!
Anonymous said…
I would definitely listen. I'd be most interested in implementation topics.
Anonymous said…
I'd listen in.

Joe B.
Anonymous said…
I would love to hear it.
Anonymous said…
start it:)

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