1000th Post

This is the 1000th TaoSecurity Blog post. Thankfully, after being broken for months, Blogger fixed the post tracking counter in time for me to notice this milestone.
I started the blog on 8 January 2003 as a place to post word of new Amazon.com book reviews. I haven't read a new book since May, because I have been extremely busy launching my new company TaoSecurity. I plan to resume reading books very shortly, probably starting with Extreme Exploits.
The blog has now evolved into a place where I record tips on using FreeBSD and other operating systems and applications. I also post thoughts on network security monitoring and related security topics. I constantly refer back to posts here to remember how I configured a program or what my thoughts were on a certain subject. I detest keeping bookmarks, so I try to store anything of value here. A bookmark has no context and says nothing about how or why I recorded it. In brief, this blog helps me keep a grip on developments in the tech world.
Looking ahead, I have two new projects in store: the TaoSecurity Podcast and a resource I'm calling OpenPacket.org. You can expect to read more about these in the fourth quarter of this year. I appreciate everyone who reads this blog and I especially enjoy reading your comments and emails. Our next milestone is the blog's third birthday in January, so I hope to see you then!
Thank you for continuing to provide such a valuable resource. I appreciate your rigorous and thorough book reviews and have even purchased several books based on your recommendations. I respect the way you inspect current trends occurring in the information security world and give an intelligent, honest, and sometimes scathing analysis.
One of the most important facets of your blog, in my opinion, is the way you tie together the engineering/formal discipline aspects of information assurance (such as risk, threats, vulnerabilities, controls, audits, prevention, detection, etc) with real world implementation. How theory works in the real world, so to speak. This has been especially valuable to me since I am currently enrolled in the Information Assurance program at the NSA Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, located at the University of Washington. This is the NSA CAEIAE program that was referred to in the comments on your “Education in information security” blog entry.
Anyways, thank you for the service and keep up the good work. There are people out there that appreciate it.