Blast from the Past

The Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz signed a directive memorandum here recently granting the Air Force Network Operations commander centralized order-issue authority over the operation, defense, maintenance and control of Air Force networks.
As part of an ongoing service-wide cyber operations transformation, the Air Force will establish a centralized user directory and e-mail service known as ADX that will service all Air Force network users.
The changes will be relatively transparent to most network users, but this migration to centralized services will significantly improve security and efficiency on the Air Force Global Information Grid, officials said.
"Major commands and subordinate commanders will no longer 'own' networks, but will be responsible for their portion of the larger AF-GIG," General Schwartz stated in a mass e-mail to Airmen.

The centralization process has apparently already started:
Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., is the first base to undergo the transformation with 1,800 out of 5,800 users already transferred. Over the next 18 months, the complete migration will include approximately 750,000 users at more than 240 locations around the world.
So, about 11 years after being told to accomplish the same task, the effort will be done! I think there are lessons here for anyone with a similarly large, bureaucratic, turf-centric, distributed, decentralized, global organization.
Don't give up.
Eventually you will succeed.
Go Navy!