Two Prereviews
Two publishers were kind enough to send new books last week. I plan to read and review both early next year. The first is Apress' Beginning C, 4th Ed by Ivor Horton. What, learn C? I don't expect or plan to become any C wizard by reading this and a few other books. Rather, I'd like to be able to understand code I come across, or perhaps make small modifications to otherwise useful programs. Any original programming I plan for 2007, I expect to use Python.
Second is Syngress' FISMA Certification & Accreditation Handbook by Laura Taylor. Talk about moving from something useful (C) to something not (FISMA). Still, this seems like the only book on the subject, and FISMA is always a big discussion item at my local beltway bandit ISSA meetings. I hope this book will let me better understand the FISMA racket and why it's a waste of money. Of course, the book will not use those terms, but I will report what I find when I review it early next year.
great as a reference also.
Yes, FISMA is a pain, and yes, it's somewhat misguided (self-categorization of system security levels based on FIPS-199 never seem to come out anything like they should), but it is a requirement for all government agencies, and I'm sorry to say, is still very poorly understood by almost everybody I've run into. As much as I dislike FISMA, a decent book on C&A is going to be a welcome addition to my bookshelf.
Well, thank goodness you are taking an unbiased approach to the material!
- Laura T.
My comments were aimed at FISMA, not your book. As I've written elsewhere, I think FISMA is a disaster. That does not mean your book is bad!