Duronio Postscript: 97 Months

In June and July this year I devoted several posts to covering the Duronio intrusion where my friend Keith Jones served as prosecution expert witness. Keith called this week to tell me Roger Duronio was sentenced to 8 years and one month jail time for his crimes. Great work Keith!


Anonymous said…
UBS should be investigated as well as the FBI for planting evidence!!
Give me details, or give me a break.
Anonymous said…
The evidence was destroyed that the string was found on from @stake ohh where did it go?mmm Where were roger duronios fingerprints on the document that keith jones planted in his room? Um no fingerprints except some unidentified prints which the government did not even examine..I think your buddy who testified against my Father and yes he is my father..was very biased for the government and did not do his indusrty any justice...this was a set up and UBS and FBI know this..as well a Giacanna who testified and why wasnt the two men that were fired as well brought into the trial..the two men that were paid off from UBS to shut up!!!! Rob and Charlie? yea i even think you know my dad didnt do this!!!
Anonymous said…
excuse me it wasnt keith jones who planted the paper in my dads room.. it was the weisel FBI agent that sat through the trial!!!!And even asked my dad to touch the paper found in his bedroom.. but another agent in my parents home stopped my dad from touching the paper!!!!I forget the weasles name that headed this with the FBI and apologize that i stated it was Keith Jones...
Are you Joe Duronio, NYU student?
Anonymous said…
NO I am his daughter!!!! Tammy Hileman...and it was ONeil who planted evidence..and by the way..my father was informed he would be investigated by ubs when this first happened...so please tell me why he would leave a peice of paper on his dresser and a computer with a string on it?
Anonymous said…
The only thing that has been done here is there are many companies now making good money to do investigation on their employees...a elderly man who did not commit this crime who has a possible death sentence...and a family destroyed!!!!But UBS got there man!!! Complete coverup and I cant wait to the day comes when its PROOVED!!!!!
Tammy, thanks for posting. Please feel free to share any other thoughts you have.
Anonymous said…
and my brother is not a nyu student..he is a graduate of NYU and a 1st year law student at Seton Hall...
Anonymous said…
I have so much to say..I wouldnt know where to begin...my father is a honest man...his work has been great to many big companies...IBM, Westinghouse,PPG, AT&T...he is a well respected man in the computer industry,,he raised his children with integrity, materialistic things were not important to my father..my father was called in on several nights to help with issues going on within UBS several times within his career there and he helped solved the problems..It brakes my heart to see all of the comments made about my dad..they are not true...he believes in justice and the law..he has integrity...and raised his children this way...my family has been destroyed over this...and my mother may not survive this...my two younger brothers are left without their father who they need desperatley as they are becoming men..my son his grandson is the only father figure he has as well..and me..well...there are no words...
Tammy, is your family mounting an appeal? If yes, on what grounds?

And why would someone frame your father?
Anonymous said…
UBS was informed that there security system was very weak even when my father worked there...there were reports testifying to this security issues..UBS actually hired Cisco to break into the system..amazingly enough Cisco was in the system at the same time this bomb went off...and released documents confirming that were in there undetected...there were several occasions that the system was disrupted..my dad actually was one of the people called in all hours of the night to solve problems...his password was also given out to other administrators which also came out during the trial..UBS had to secure the reputation..they could not show the world that they are vulnerable and have security issues within there system...my dad quit his job..which he has in the past..he is a contrator and is easily employed..he bought options against the company and my dad had a record a young man...all adds up to there man...the FBI met with Big UBS people, but coincendtly did not take notes at these meetings..are you aware that ubs asked to not have this trial open to the public? there was a reason..UBS removed crucial documents over the years throughout this investigation that would involve the FBI as well...my father was not allowed to work during these past years and his defense was paid by the government..his appeal with be based on many factors..but unfortunatley through Public defender...its going to the 3rd circut...do you know that during the trial that there were only 11 jurors and the extra jurors were released to take the place of the juror who had to leave.. do you know a juror was dismissed to go to a family reunion by the judge...and do you also know that the judge rushed this process during the end because he was going on vacation and his wife was already there..he pushed the jury...there are many grounds for appeal..and my father is working on this dilegently before he is incarcerated to a a potential death sentence...UBS had to have a fall guy to show the public that they are not at risk..but they are...If my father did this..he would say he did it...it's just who he is..there were two men paid off by ubs that had the same strings on there computers but had to sign a document that they would only work with the government...does this answer your question as to why i think my father was framed?
Anonymous said…
UBS PaineWebber, one of America's largest Financial Company's was ridiculed in open court today. The defense for Roger Duronio, the man accused of planting the malicious code that downed the nationwide server network, argued that the security practices and policies of UBS PaineWebber were very weak. Keith Jones, the government's forensics expert on this case, said that the company was a lot more security conscious than others were back in 2002 at the time of the attack. Although USB PaineWebber may not have perfect security, the company did do a few things right to get back up and running
Anonymous said…
need i say more....
Tammy, can you answer two questions?

First, did any of your concerns appear in court?

Second, this article

Are Background Checks Necessary for IT Workers? says:

When UBS PaineWebber hired Roger Duronio as a full-time IT systems administrator in 1999, it failed to do a background check on him. A background investigation most likely would've revealed that Duronio has a criminal record that includes charges of burglary and aggravated assault...

Using only publicly available information, Hershman found three incidents, including drug-related charges from 1980, the disposition of which is unclear, and a tax violation, within 24 hours. Within three or four days, he says investigators found information on a conviction and incarceration from the early 1960s related to aggravated assault and burglary charges. A presentencing report from the Probation Office in U.S. District Court also lists charges against Duronio from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

What do you have to say about that?
Anonymous said…
This is the story of a case that is a catalogue of disaster, mismanagement and incompetence by UBS AG, the world’s largest and most powerful private banker, Switzerland’s leading bank. The case involves evidence of fraud and deceit, and demonstrates a startling absence of honesty, integrity, and good faith by those UBS employees and of UBS itself. The evidence shows not only fraudulent conduct by the Bank in the first place, but also evidence of deliberate destruction and concealment of evidence, and most important of all the persistence, by a number of UBS personnel, in making statements of untruth (perjury) before the Supreme Courts in England and Singapore, in what can be described as nothing short of a wide ranging unrelentless attempt to hide the truth from the justice.

This site is dedicated to exposing the shameful and scandalous conduct of banking giant UBS AG. A bank who believes in its sheer size, power and influence to defeat the righteous claims of investors who suffered as a result of its conduct and that of its employees. A bank who has displayed every sign of disregard for the law in a number of jurisdictions. A bank who deliberately destroys documents at will. One who behaves with the same ease and irrespective of the law and it’s obligations toward the law when tampering with evidence and computer records, and a management attitude to customers which is not only very disrespectful, but also racist. This is the ugly face of the United Bank of Switzerland. This is the real face of UBS AG.
Ohh..just another article on the injustice of the Swiss Bank..known as UBS…and the ties to the government!!!
Anonymous said…
Im well aware of the charges that my father has delt with over the years..and he was a young teen i think 18 at the time when he and some of his buddies broke into a house..he went to jail for 6 years..for that crime...this was the only time my father was incarcerated..and came out of prison as a young man went to the university got his masters in physical chemistry...my father had access to different chemicals and tried some experiements..could have been trying to find cure for cancer..but the government tried to say it was drug related..never convicted of that crime...oh yea and he had a dwai in the 90's...and his tax difficulties are still being protested in tax court now....that is what i have to say about that...
Anonymous said…
some of the issues were presented in the court but not enough attention by my fathers defense....
Anonymous said…
by the way i found that article at FXfraud.com it appears that UBS is good at destroying evidence all over the world..does keith jones represent them in all nations or just our government?
Anonymous said…
and the 1980's criminal investigation was a domestic act between my feuding parents at close to my graduation...dispute actually over me.. answer your question
Anonymous said…
I worked with Roger Duronio in the computer field in the early 80's when Tammy was a teenager and Joe was just a baby.

The reason I remember this is because he often spoke about them, as well as his wife, Mary.

I also remember Roger as being extremely analytical in evaluating problems and can't imagine him overlooking anything as obvious as a string of code much less a paper document.

Tonight was the first time I've come across this blog, and I realize almost a year has past since his sentence.

Many things about this case are puzzling to me and I am beginning to wonder if UBS is truly just shoveling BS.

Has any analytical thinking truly been performed on this case?
Anonymous said…
I knew Duronio some years back and was aware of his criminal record, which he openly admitted. He said he had committed several robberies and had been imprisoned as a result. It was clear to me at that time that he had retained his criminal mentality and so it was not a giant surprise to me to see him end up like this.
Anonymous said…
I know its years after the fact, and nobody will ever see this, but here it is.
I worked with Roger as a contractor at the time this indictment broke. One day he was at work, the next day, he didnt come in. I have to say about Roger, He was clearly an old salt, highly experienced and knowledgable. He took me, (a young engineer at the time) under his wing, protected me from the client when I made mistakes, and spend many hours after work teaching me the trade. Seeing Roger's difficulties was hard for me as it always is when a teacher falls. Even in the time between the FBI raid, and the indictment, I recall(in retrospect) how he remained focused, and patient with me.

Roger, where ever you are, I wish the best for you, and your family. Im very sorry this happened. If its any conselation, I stopped using UBS and PW products long ago.

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