Pre-Review: Professional Assembly Language
Nevertheless, I receive several books per month -- sometimes a dozen. I also maintain an Wish List showing books I would like to check out and my TaoSecurity Reading page displays books I intend to read.
Beginning today I intend to post a "pre-review" of books in my possession that I believe warrant additional scrutiny. Sometimes I will just alert readers to new books that look promising, but in most cases I plan to eventually read and review the book at Given my reading backlog and my reading plan, some pre-reviewed books may not get reviews until weeks or months after I receive them.
My first pre-review is for Richard Blum's Professional Assembly Language. I specifically requested this book from Wiley (who owns the Wrox imprint). Based on reading the preface and skimming the book, I am really looking forward to reading it. I liked Richard's earlier book Network Performance Toolkit: Using Open Source Testing Tools. Richard uses all GNU tools for his examples, which makes it easy for readers to follow along. All of his assembly language appears in AT&T syntax, rather than Intel syntax. However, as of Binuntils 2.10, the GNU Assembler supports Intel output. Intel assembly syntax is more popular. For example, see this LURHQ reverse engineering paper.
Once I read the book, I will post an review as usual.