Bejtlich Teaching Special Session of TCP/IP Weapons School at GTEC DC

Through a custom arrangement with Black Hat I am pleased to announce that I will teach a special session of TCP/IP Weapons School 3.0 at the Government Technology Expo & Conference (GTEC) on Tuesday 31 May and Wednesday 1 June 2011 in Washington, DC.

The conference organizers set the price for my class at $2200. I am not sure if the price increases as we get closer to the class date. This is a good opportunity for people in the DC area to attend my TWS 3 class without having to pay for travel to Las Vegas, where I will teach two sessions of TWS 3 at Black Hat USA this summer. I recommend registering soon because I expect this class to fill quickly due to the DC location.

Please let me know if you have any questions by posting a comment or sending email to training [at] taosecurity [dot] com. Thank you.


phat32 said…
Hello Richard.

I just signed up for the BH TWS class yesterday and really looking forward to it. Is there any difference in the GTEC vs BH sessions of this class? I'm already planning to be in Vegas that week for BSidesLV and Defcon so it doesn't save me anything on the travel costs (except maybe 1 night's hotel). DC is just a few hours drive. The biggest advantage I can see is taking the class 2 months earlier and getting a jump on applying it at work. Thanks.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for signing up for Vegas. The classes will be identical as far as labs go. However, every time I teach I start by polling the students to hear what they want to learn. I then try to provide what the students want, between the labs. So, two classes are never truly identical, but the core of the classes are the same.

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