Happy 7th Birthday TaoSecurity Blog

I don't have any changes planned here. I plan to continue blogging, especially with respect to network security monitoring, incident detection and response, network forensics, and FreeBSD when appropriate. I especially enjoy reading your comments and engaging in informed dialogues. Thanks for joining me these 7 years -- I hope to have a ten year post in 2013!

The image shows Elvis training with Ed Parker, founder of American Kenpo. As I like to tell my students, Elvis' stance is so wide it would take him a week to react to an attack. Then again, he's Elvis.
I studied Kenpo in San Antonio, TX and would like to return to practicing, along with ice hockey, if my shoulders cooperate!
i like very much this blog.
Oh... and a billion years ago my brother studied with Ed Parker! And my friend's ex-hubby was Elvis' bodyguard - another coincidence perhaps?
Have a great one!
Its great stuff.
also come back to Australia soon.
Another Loyal Reader
Thanks for the blog Rich. Keep writing.
P.S.: not sure if it will help, but try P90X for your shoulder. Sounds strange, but it helped with my constant knee and neck issues. Don't know the physical reasons, but it helped in my case. I'd love yo see you at the Vegas camp one year.
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Hope that i can read here in 7 years, too.
Best wishes,