Looking for Security-Assesor Friendly, Debian Dedicated Server

I'm looking for a dedicated server company that could provide a Debian environment suitable for running VMware Server. As a bonus it would be helpful to contract with a company that permits authorized outbound network scanning.

As an alternative, I may try colocation. I am looking for a box for security testing, and VMware may not be suitable. I may need a box that can run Xen, for example.

If you have any recommendations for dedicated server or colocation providers, please leave a comment or email me directly -- taosecurity at gmail dot com. Companies situated close to northern Virginia would be excellent. Thank you.


Anonymous said…
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Scott Dier said…
Voxrox might be able to help out -- they offer servers and xen instances that are reasonably priced and I know a couple of the admins there, you might be able to work something out. www.voxrox.com
Anonymous said…
If you're looking at doing security scanning/checks/etc., I'd definitely ask detailed questions as to what's allowed/permissible before hand.

Most hosts will explicitly disallow that in their ToS. Even if they don't, the hosting company will likely start to get contacted by their data center and/or upstream ISPs. If they don't know about it in advance, your relationship with them may be short-lived. ;-)
Anonymous said…
You may try Gandi Hosting which provides Xen VMs (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuse) with competitive prices. They'll soon provide opensolaris and freebsd VMs as well. Their offer is flexible and you might change the number of shares depending on your needs.

They are still in beta (prices are cheaper for this reason) but it's useable and closed to the stable offer (they have done a lot of debugging work since they launched the beta).
Thank you for these comments. I've also received these via email:









I'll probably post later which direction I take.
BabelSecure said…
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محمد said…
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Greg Martin said…
I highly recommend layered technologies, they are the leader in dedicated servers. Also if you run VMware server beta 2.0 make sure to google turning off debugging

Greg Martin
Sentinel IPS
Anonymous said…
We got our dedicated server from uSAVEdomains. You may want to try them and see if they have what you need. I researched a lot of companies, but their server rates are really cheap. Here's their link. Cheers!

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