Help SANS with Security Career Stories

The latest issue of the SANS @Risk (link will work shortly) newsletter contains this request:

Project In Which You Might Contribute: Career models for information security. If you know of someone who has accomplished a lot in security by exploiting deep technical skills, and moved up in their organizations, please write is a little note about them to apaller [at] sans [dot] org. We have been asked by five different publications for articles or interviews on how to make a successful career in information security. A couple of the editors have heard that security folks with soft skills are no longer in demand and they want to hear about models of success for people with more technical backgrounds. No names or companies will be disclosed without written permission.

If you can share a story, please email Alan Paller as indicated above. This is another opportunity for the technical people of the security world to make our mark.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like another medium for SANS to push their "Technically Focused" $$$ training agenda. No self-serving interests for SANS there, right?
Anonymous said…
thank you very nice topic very good thanks :)
Anonymous -- so? They're right.
Anonymous said…

I don't think I get it.

Are organizations so desparate for technical expertise that they are overlooking the lack of soft skills in their IT people. Maybe they are singletons who work in caves or dark basements. Maybe they want to teach them soft skills? They are always necessary.

And to be the devil's advocate, how does one define successful security career? One who can sustain hinself milking the cash cow? When the whole industry is failing, who is really successful?
Anonymous said…
Let me make sure I get it.

The market is demanding technical expertise, yet a leader in the field doesn't know what that is?

Not to be glib, but if the skills are in such high demand, it ought to be trivial to figure out what they are. Markets excel at matching buyers and sellers, after all.
Anonymous said…
Its weird that at the same time, Gartner is pushing this agenda that business skills (i.e. soft skills) are rising in demand and that pure technically people are a thing of the past. Basically its a thinly veiled reference to the fact that all pure technical work will be outsourced to the cheapest off-shore bidder and only project managers will remain. I find this completely ridiculous to be frank. It's much more the case that project managers fail due to lack of technical understanding versus business expertise. At least thats my experience, so I don't really understand what their motive is for pushing this fallacy.

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