Daemonlogger in Ring Buffer Mode

Daemonlogger is similar to Dumpcap shipped with Wireshark. However, Daemonlogger is a stand-alone tool and it can act as a "soft tap," replaying packets out a given interface.
To install Daemonlogger you need Libdnet (I used libdnet-1.11 on FreeBSD 6.x).
You can use Daemonlogger to capture packets in ring buffer mode, similar to what Tcpdump , Tshark, and Dumpcap offer.
First, the help output.
cel433:/nsm/daemonlogger# /usr/local/src/daemonlogger-0.9/daemonlogger -h
USAGE: daemonlogger [-options] <bpf filter>
-c <count> Log <count> packets and exit
-d Daemonize at startup
-f <bpf file> Load BPF filter from <bpf file>
-g <group name> Set group ID to <group name>
-h Show this usage statement
-i <intf> Grab packets from interface <intf>
-l <path> Log to directory <path>
-m <count> Generate <count> log files and quit
-n <name> Set output filename prefix to <name>
-o <outf> Disable logging, retransmit data from
<intf> to <outf>
-p <pidfile> Use <pidfile> for PID filename
-P <pidpath> Use <pidpath> for PID directory
-r Activate ringbuffer mode
-R <pcap file> Read packets from <pcap file>
-s <bytes> Rollover the log file every <bytes>
-t <seconds> Rollover the log file every <seconds>
-u <user name> Set user ID to <user name>
-v Show daemonlogger version
Let's tell Daemonlogger to run as user sguil group sguil, in ring buffer mode, collecting three traces of 10 KB each while ignoring ARP.
cel433:/usr/local/src/daemonlogger-0.9# ./daemonlogger -l /nsm/daemonlogger
-i dc0 -r -s 10240 -m 3 -n dl.test -u sguil -g sguil not arp
[-] Logpath set to /nsm/daemonlogger
[-] Interface set to dc0
[-] Ringbuffer active
[-] Rollover size set to 10240 bytes
[-] Max files to write set to 3
[-] Log filename set to "dl.test"[-] Setting user ID to sguil
[-] Setting group ID to sguil
-*> DaemonLogger <*-
Version 0.9
By Martin Roesch
(C) Copyright 2006-2007 Sourcefire Inc., All rights reserved
sniffing on interface dc0
start_sniffing() device dc0 network lookup: dc0: no IPv4 address assigned
Logging packets to /nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873460
As 10 KB of traffic is collected, a new file is started:
Rolling over logfile...
Logging packets to /nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873490
And so on...
Rolling over logfile...
Logging packets to /nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873491
When three files have been saved, the oldest is deleted and a new one is created.
Rolling over logfile...
[!] Ringbuffer: deleting /nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873441
Logging packets to /nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873493
And the process continues until killed.
Rolling over logfile...
[!] Ringbuffer: deleting /nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873460
Logging packets to /nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873495
This is what we are left with.
cel433:/usr/local/src/daemonlogger-0.9# ls -al /nsm/daemonlogger/
total 50
drwxr-xr-x 2 sguil sguil 512 Apr 6 11:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 sguil sguil 512 Apr 6 11:27 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 sguil sguil 11091 Apr 6 11:31 dl.test.1175873490
-rw-r--r-- 1 sguil sguil 10823 Apr 6 11:31 dl.test.1175873491
-rw-r--r-- 1 sguil sguil 11342 Apr 6 11:31 dl.test.1175873493
-rw-r--r-- 1 sguil sguil 9875 Apr 6 11:31 dl.test.1175873495
This is only one way to use Daemonlogger. When 0.9 appears at Snort.org, download it and try out the other features.
I think we might use Daemonlogger in Sguil's log_packets.sh script, as I posted here.
Thanks to Marty Roesch for writing a real Open Source tool and adding features to meet requests posted in IRC this week.
Update: Marty pointed out that combining the -R option to read in a trace with the -o output option makes Daemonlogger a simple version of Tcpreplay:
cel433:/usr/local/src/daemonlogger-0.9# ./daemonlogger -R
/nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873490 -o xl0
[-] In readback mode
[-] Tap output interface set to xl0
-*> DaemonLogger <*-
Version 0.9
By Martin Roesch
(C) Copyright 2006-2007 Sourcefire Inc., All rights reserved
Reading network traffic from "/nsm/daemonlogger/dl.test.1175873490" file.
snaplen = 65536
He's right -- that works!
2007-04-09 mfr
* Added -S switch for user adjustable snaplen
2007-04-05 mfr
* Added -u/-g/-R switches for file readback and priv dropping
* Fixed file rotation code
You can run it now under non-root privileges