President Obama Is Right On US-China Hacking

I strongly recommend watching the excerpt on the Charlie Rose show titled Obama: Blunt Conversation With China on Hacking . I reproduced the relevant part of the transcript below and added emphasis to key points. CHARLIE ROSE: Speaking of pushing back, what happened when you pushed back on the question of hacking and serious allegations that come from this country that believe that the Chinese are making serious strides and hacking not only private sector but public sector ? BARACK OBAMA: We had a very blunt conversation about cyber security. CHARLIE ROSE: Do they acknowledge it? BARACK OBAMA: You know, when you’re having a conversation like this I don’t think you ever expect a Chinese leader to say "You know what? You’re right. You caught us red-handed." CHARLIE ROSE: You got me. Yes. BARACK OBAMA: We’re just stealing all your stuff and every day we try to figure out how we can get into Apple -- CHARLIE ROSE: But do they now say "Look? S...