
Showing posts from June, 2013

President Obama Is Right On US-China Hacking

I strongly recommend watching the excerpt on the Charlie Rose show titled Obama: Blunt Conversation With China on Hacking . I reproduced the relevant part of the transcript below and added emphasis to key points. CHARLIE ROSE: Speaking of pushing back, what happened when you pushed back on the question of hacking and serious allegations that come from this country that believe that the Chinese are making serious strides and hacking not only private sector but public sector ? BARACK OBAMA: We had a very blunt conversation about cyber security. CHARLIE ROSE: Do they acknowledge it? BARACK OBAMA: You know, when you’re having a conversation like this I don’t think you ever expect a Chinese leader to say "You know what? You’re right. You caught us red-handed." CHARLIE ROSE: You got me. Yes. BARACK OBAMA: We’re just stealing all your stuff and every day we try to figure out how we can get into Apple -- CHARLIE ROSE: But do they now say "Look? S...

Pre-Order The Practice of Network Security Monitoring Before Price Hike

When my publisher and I planned and priced my new book The Practice of Network Security Monitoring , we assumed the book would be about 250 pages. As we conclude the copyediting process and put print in layout format, it's clear the book will be well over 300. The current estimate is 328, but I think it could approach 350 pages. Because of the much larger page count, the publisher and I agreed to reprice the book. The price will rise from the current list of $39.95 for paperback and $31.95 for ebook to $49.95 for paperback and $39.95 for ebook. However, those prices will not go into effect until next Friday, June 21st. That means if you preorder at the Web site before next Friday, you will get the current lower prices. Furthermore, use preorder code NSM101 to save 30% off list. If you use NSM101 as your discount code it shows No Starch that you got word of this from me. Those of you who already preordered have already taken advantage of this deal. Thanks for ...