Review of Router Security Strategies Posted just posted my four star review of Router Security Strategies: Securing IP Network Traffic Planes by Gregg Schudel and David J. Smith. From the review:

Router Security Strategies (RSS) is the sort of Cisco security book I like to read. Some of you were surprised by my three star review of another recent Cisco security book -- LAN Switch Security (LSS). I suggest the authors of that book take a look at RSS as a model for writing a second edition of LSS. RSS is well-organized, very clear, and backed by plenty of actionable command syntax. Were it not for a tendency to unnecessarily repeat and summarize material, I would have rated RSS five stars. Nevertheless, anyone operating Cisco routers would do well to consider how RSS approaches the network security problem.


Unknown said…
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I put in my wish list a lot of books that you reviewed in my wish list, and it would be nice to know which books you recommended have better replacements.

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