Review of Time Based Security Posted just posted my three star review of Time Based Security by Winn Schwartau. From the review:

Time Based Security (TBS) was largely written 10 years ago. The author gave me a copy about 3 years ago at a security conference. What's remarkable about the concept of TBS is that it was as relevant 10 years ago as it is today. The "risk avoidance" idea and "fortress mentality" described in TBS are as prevalent in this decade as they were in the 1990s, and they continue to fail us. TBS, as an alternative approach, is a powerful way to estimate the security posture of an asset. However, TBS the book is not the best way to make this argument (hence the three star rating). I would like to see TBS (published in 1999, but including older material) rewritten as a tenth anniversary edition and released in digital format, perhaps as a digital Short Cut.

I recommend reading the whole review. I heavily quoted the parts I liked. I also just updated the links in my 2005 post Where in the World Is Winn Schwartau?.


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