I'd like to thank the fine folks at
O'Reilly for sending me a review copy of
Programming Python, 3rd Ed. I've added this book to my other set of
programming books waiting to be read. I'll probably start with several tiles from
Apress, namely
Beginning Python,
Dive Into Python, and then end the Apress titles with
Foundations of Python Network Programming, since network programming is my main interest.
I'll use O'Reilly's
Programming Python, 3rd Ed and
Python Cookbook, 2nd Ed as references. Two years ago I tried reading
Learning Python, 2nd Ed but found it not that helpful as an introduction -- hence my interest in the new Apress titles.
Keep up the good work, Richard!
You should try Scapy, it is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program based on the python shell
you will like that :