I'm Back

I haven't been blogging for the past two weeks because my family and I were traveling in Europe. Part of our trip included speaking at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory Security Group Seminar Series in Cambridge, UK, on network security monitoring. This was the same group I mentioned in February.

I'd like to thank Saar Drimer and Stephen Lewis for arranging my visit. I was fortunate enough to have Professor Ross Anderson, author of Security Engineering, and Frank Stajano, author of Security for Ubiquitous Computing, in the audience. I had lunch with FreeBSD core team developer Robert Watson and Netdude developer Christian Kreibich, both of whom I had wanted to meet for a while. Jolyon Clulow and Steven Murdoch were kind enough to show my family and me the various colleges. As a result of this trip, my family and me are strongly inclined to pursue the PhD program, starting in the fall of 2007.

I have a busy week of consulting lined up, but I hope to post my thoughts on security issues as they continue. A lot has happened in the last two weeks, and I'll do my best to catch up.


Anonymous said…
Does this mean you'll still be able to offer your Network Security Operations in the NOVA area next summer? I was hoping to take it!
Anonymous said…
s/Computer Library/Computer Laboratory/
Thanks Colin -- fixed.

I plan to continue teaching, including the US. Living in the UK will allow me to teach more European classes as well. Remember that I have to apply and be accepted first, however. :)
John Ward said…
Good 'Ole Rich, always on the move. You know you and the little misses aren't in the military anymore, you can actually settle down in one place ;) Sounds like you guys had fun, and good luck, I doubt you will have a hard time getting accepted.
Anonymous said…
Told ya!

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