Happy 2nd Birthday TaoSecurity Blog

Today is the 2nd birthday of the TaoSecurity blog. Thank you to all of my readers. The primary purpose of this blog is to be a "hard drive for my brain." In other words, I mainly record how I accomplish certain tasks, or I put context around security events and related developments. I hope you find the content useful and relevant.


Anonymous said…
I love you blog,
Anonymous said…
Thank you. I enjoy the documentation of your projects. I would like to know more about the tools you use on a daily basis, emergencies, and response. How do you monitor changes to Windows registry and file system?
Anonymous said…
Thx from a French reader for your blog. I read so many interesting things in the last two years ! By the way, thanks also for your book, a very good one.
Joao Barros said…
And from Portugal comes my congratulations on your excelent blog!
For some time now I had the idea you named so right "harddrive for my brain", just never got to put it in action. Luckily you did :)
As a FreeBSD user and security entusiast (newbie compared to Richard /me bows ) I love reading your posts.
Good documentation is hard to find, one of the main reasons I was driven to prefer FreeBSD over Linux. You describe your experiences with detail and real examples is sometimes better than any doc.

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