Latest Book Inducted into Cybersecurity Canon

Thursday evening Mrs B and I were pleased to attend an awards seminar for the Cybersecurity Canon. This is a project sponsored by Palo Alto Networks and led by Rick Howard. The goal is "identify a list of must-read books for all cybersecurity practitioners."

Rick reviewed my fourth book The Practice of Network Security Monitoring in 2014 and someone nominated it for consideration in 2016. I was unaware earlier this year that my book was part of a 32-title "March Madness" style competition. My book won the five rounds, resulting in its conclusion in the 2017 inductee list! Thank you to all those that voted for my book.

Ben Rothke awarded me the Canon trophy.
Ben Rothke interviewed me prior to the induction ceremony. We discussed some current trends in security and some lessons from the book. I hope to see that interviewed published by Palo Alto Networks and/or the Cybersecurity canon project in the near future.

In my acceptance speech I explained how I wrote the book because I had not yet dedicated a book to my youngest daughter, since she was born after my third book was published.

A teaching moment at Black Hat Abu Dhabi in December 2012 inspired me to write the book. While teaching network security monitoring, one of the students asked "but where do I install the .exe on the server?"

I realized this student had no idea of physical access to a wire, or using a system to collect and store network traffic, or any of the other fundamental concepts inherent to NSM. He thought NSM was another magical software package to install on his domain controller.

Four foreign language editions.
Thanks to the interpretation assistance of a local Arabic speaker, I was able to get through to him. However, the experience convinced me that I needed to write a new book that built NSM from the ground up, hence the selection of topics and the order in which I presented them.

While my book has not (yet?) been translated into Arabic, there are two Chinese language editions, a Korean edition, and a Polish edition! I also know of several SOCs who provide a copy of the book to all incoming analysts. The book is also a text in several college courses.

I believe the book remains relevant for anyone who wants to learn the NSM methodology to detect and respond to intrusions. While network traffic is the example data source used in the book, the NSM methodology is data source agnostic.

In 2002 Bamm Visscher and I defined NSM as "the collection, analysis, and escalation of indications and warnings to detect and respond to intrusions." This definition makes no reference to network traffic.

It is the collection-analysis-escalation framework that matters. You could perform NSM using log files, or host-centric data, or whatever else you use for indications and warning.

I have no plans for another cybersecurity book. I am currently editing a book about combat mindset written by the head instructor of my Krav Maga style and his colleague.
Thanks for asking for an autograph!

Palo Alto hosted a book signing and offered free books for attendees. I got a chance to speak with Steven Levy, whose book Hackers was also inducted. I sat next to him during the book signing, as shown in the picture at right.

Thank you to Palo Alto Networks, Rick Howard, Ben Rothke, and my family for making inclusion in the Cybersecurity Canon possible. The awards dinner was a top-notch event. Mrs B and I enjoyed meeting a variety of people, including students in local cybersecurity degree programs.

I closed my acceptance speech with the following from the end of the Old Testament, at the very end of 2nd Maccabees. It captures my goal when writing books:

"So I too will here end my story. If it is well told and to the point, that is what I myself desired; if it is poorly done and mediocre, that was the best I could do."

If you'd like a copy of The Practice of Network Security Monitoring the best deal is to buy print and electronic editions from the publisher's Web site. Use code NSM101 to save 30%. I like having the print version for easy review, and I carry the digital copy on my tablet and phone.

Thank you to everyone who voted and who also bought a copy of my book!

Update: I forgot to thank Doug Burks, who created Security Onion, the software used to demonstrate NSM in the book. Doug also contributed the appendix explaining certain SO commands. Thank you Doug! Also thank you to Bill Pollack and his team at No Starch Press, who edited and published the book!


Anonymous said…
If you don't plan another NSM book, what would be needed to complement your current one? Might motivate others ... :)
Unknown said…
Congrats on a well deserved accolade! I have been a fan of your comp-sec work ever since by chance attended your talk at BSDCAN a LONG time ago.

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