We Need More Than Penetration Testing

Last week I read an article titled People too trusting when it comes to their cybersecurity, experts say by Roy Wenzl of The Wichita Eagle. The following caught my eye and prompted this post: [Connor] Brewer is a 19-year-old sophomore at Butler Community College, a self-described loner and tech geek... Today he’s what technologists call a white-hat hacker, hacking legally for companies that pay to find their own security holes. When Bill Young, Butler’s chief information security officer, went looking for a white-hat hacker, he hired Brewer, though Brewer has yet to complete his associate’s degree at Butler... Butler’s security system comes under attack several times a week, Young said... Brewer and others like him are hired by companies to deliberately attack a company’s security network. These companies pay bounties if the white hackers find security holes. “Pen testing,” they call it, for “penetration testing.” Young has repeatedly assigned Brewer to ...