Commander's Reading List

Last month a squadron commander asked me to recommend books for his commander's reading list. After some reflection I offer the following.

I've divided the list into two sections: technical and nontechnical. My hope for the technical books is to share a little bit of technical insight with the commander's intended audience, while not overwhelming them. The plan for the nontechnical items is to share some perspective on history, policy, and contemporary problems.

The list is in no particular order.

Nontechnical books:

Technical books:

I also recommend any books by Timothy L Thomas.

Update: For the more technically-minded reader, I'm adding the following:

Practical Malware Analysis by Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig.

Note: The above do not necessarily constitute my "best" or "favorite" books. Please see Best Books for blog posts on that subject.


Anonymous said…
I have limited reading time -- which are the #1 for each list?
Anon, I can't answer that question. Take 5 minutes to look at the descriptions for each and choose the ones that meet your needs.
Anonymous said…
Dude, if you don't have time even to read the descriptions, don't bother. My 2 cents.
Anonymous said…
Ridiculous that anyone spends more than 5 minutes considering this list - over the 10 minutes it would take to come up with their own.

Cliff Stoll? Really? What year is it again ?
Anon, if you don't see the relevance of Cliff Stoll, check out my presentation here:

Cooking the Cuckoo's Egg

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