Netanyahu Channels Tufte at United Nations

This is not a political blog, and I don't intend for this to be a political post. I recently watched Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the United Nations on Thursday. I watched it because I am worried about Iran's nuclear weapons program and the Iranian security situation, to be sure. However, what really intrigued me was the red line he actually drew on a diagram, in front of the United Nations. In the video I linked, it takes place at approximately the 26 minute mark. The screen capture at left shows this event. The reason this caught my attention was that it reminded me of the Best Single Day Class Ever , taught by Edward Tufte. I attended his class in 2008 and continue to recommend it. I've since blogged about Tufte on several occasions. Netanyahu's action, to me, seems like pure Tufte. The primary goal of his speech was to tell Iran, and the world, that Israel is setting a "red line" involving Iran's nuclear weapons pr...