Review of Digital Forensics for Network, Internet, and Cloud Computing Posted
Digital Forensics for Network, Internet, and Cloud Computing (DFFNIACC) is one of the worst books I've read in the last few years. You may wonder why I bothered reading a two star book. Blame a flight from the east coast to Las Vegas and not much else to read during those five hours! DFFNIACC is a jumbled collection of incoherent thoughts, loosely bound by the idea of "forensics" but clearly not subjected to any real planning or oversight. This book is very similar to the Syngress book "Botnets" which I gave 2 stars in 2008, and as you might expect features one of the same authors. Save your money and skip DFFNIACC; only the chapter on NetFlow and another offering a general overview of NetWitness are worth reading.