Email to

I just sent the following email to

Hello, is a great site and I'm amazed you can manage as much information as you do!

I noticed appears to be having trouble with some of its book information. While I no longer see that books not yet published will arrive on "December 31, 1969," the review data seems out of sync. For example, when visiting this link to look at my reviews, the last one I see is for the book "BGP" by Iljitsch Van Beijnum, reviewed on 5 Jan 03:


However, a review I wrote on 8 Jan 03 for the book "Implementing Intrusion Detection Systems : A Hands-On Guide for Securing the Network" by Tim Crothers appears only at this link:

Implementing IDS

Also, I submitted a review for this book on 11 Jan, but haven't seen the review posted yet:


Is still experiencing some trouble with its reviews?

Thank you,

Richard Bejtlich


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