Today is an historic day for our profession, and for my American readers, our country. As reported in The Washington Post and by several of you, today Secretary Gates ordered the creation of U.S. Cyber Command, a subordinate unified command under U.S. Strategic Command. The NSA Director will be dual-hatted as DIRNSA and CYBERCOM Commander, with Title 10 authority, and will be promoted to a four-star position. Initial Operational Capability for CYBERCOM is October 2009 with Full Operational Capability planned for October 2010. Prior to CYBERCOM achieving FOC, the Joint Task Force - Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) and the Joint Task Force - Network Warfare (JTF-NW) will be "disestablished."

As one of my friends said: "Step one to your Cyber Service -- what will the uniforms look like?"

Richard Bejtlich is teaching new classes in Las Vegas in 2009. Regular Las Vegas registration ends 1 July.


TurboBorland said…
I've been looking at this for a while now, trying to find out how I get to talk to the people on recruiting. I see everywhere that the Cyber Command is coming back and that they're looking for, I believe, 10k students just out of high-school, or close to, and those in college. Well I fall around that area and this definitely looks like a fun job! But there's no place to find out any real informative pieces for those of us looking at this job, except the Forensics Challenge, which was already too late to sign up for when I found it.
Brad said…
When will they be looking for older jaded ex-military/DOD network security folks? Developments like this have me dying to get back into DoD network defense...

As for the uniforms... The words "Digital Camoflage" take on a whole new meaning.
Anonymous said…
My suggestion for uniforms...
John Ward said…
So, will this be more military style, or will it end up being like the DMV of network security in terms of "civilian defense"? Or are we talking about simply "public sector" and military networks? The WP article is a little vague, one paragraph talks about safeguarding civilian systems, and the last talks about just federal. I must be missing something (brain fry from excessive travel). Any thoughts?
Anonymous said…
For those looking for a similar job before the CyCom gets rolling go to: and click the Apply Online button on the left. Type in Computer Network Operations in the text box under Basic Job Search and click search. You should see an entry posted on 08/14/2008 for Computer Network Operations(CNO) - Operator with ID# 1001909. Enjoy!

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