Why Do SOCs Look Like This?

When you hear the word "SOC," or the phrase "security operations center," what image comes to mind? Do you think of analyst sitting at desks, all facing forward, towards giant screens? Why is this? The following image is from the outstanding movie Apollo 13, a docudrama about the challenged 1970 mission to the moon. It's a screen capture from the go for launch sequence. It shows mission control in Houston, Texas. If you'd like to see video of the actual center from 1970, check out This Is Mission Control . Mission control looks remarkably like a SOC, doesn't it? When builders of computer security operations centers imagined what their "mission control" rooms would look like, perhaps they had Houston in mind? Or perhaps they thought of the 1983 movie War Games? Reality was way more boring however: I visited NORAD under Cheyenne Mountain in 1989, I believe, when visiting the Air Force Academy as a high school senior. I can c...